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A viral hepatitis prevention & education program for young adult IDUs

The Evidence Based Intervention Manual

The UFO (U-Find-Out) Study Model Replication Manual

In conjunction with The University of California, San Francisco and funded by the Centers For Disease Control: The U-Find-Out (UFO) Study's Hepatitis C intervention for young injection drug users. In collaboration with local health providers from the Homeless Youth Alliance to San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) , the larger UFO project served as primary health care provider for young IDU in San Francisco. With SFDPH we gave out preventative vaccines every year for HBV, flu, TDAP, and actively maintained a referrals list to all kinds of medical providers. From 2012 to 2014 materials from the UFO Presents! were

piloted and evaluated by several groups in New Jersey and Sacramento, CA.

Written by Pam DiCarlo. Design elements, layout, and photography by GiGi Cavaleri.

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The UFO Model is a multi-component, multi-level hepatitis prevention intervention for young adult injection drug users (IDU). Young adult IDU are a group at high risk for hepatitis C (HCV), hepatitis B (HBV) and HIV due to frequent injecting, sharing needle/syringe and other drug preparation equipment, high numbers of sexual partners, and exchange of sex for money or drugs. Street youth who inject have poor education, high unemployment and mental health issues.

Target Population

The UFO Model serves young adult IDU under age 30, regardless of HCV status.

Outreach and education. Outreach and education to young adult IDU and local agencies that work with young adult IDU.


Counseling and testing for HCV and immunizations for HAB and HBV. On-site testing for HCV, disclosing test results and counseling clients. Testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) provided on-site or through partnerships with local clinics and health departments. HAV, HBV and tetanus vaccinations available to all participants.


Education and support group. 8-week viral hepatitis prevention education and support group.


Syringe exchange. Provision of clean needles and other injection equipment such as cookers, sterile water and tourniquets. Training on how to prevent and manage overdose situations and prescriptions for Narcan. 


Youth-centered referrals. Direct referrals to drug treatment such as methadone and buprenorphine. Referrals and support for housing and other social services, including SSI eligibility, educational and vocational programs as well as maternal-child services. 


Drop-in center. Weekly open house for young adult IDU that is easily accessible. HCV testing, syringe exchange and referrals are available on-site, as well as:  

Drop-in medical care. Treatment of infections, including abscess care, common respiratory infections, rashes and other basic acute medical needs with a nurse practitioner and local medical residents.

Quality of life services. Free food, clothes, socks and hygiene supplies (soap, shampoo, razors, etc.). Free access to Internet, telephone, and mail. 



Core Elements

Harm reduction philosophy. The core of the UFO Model is cultural competency, using a non-judgmental approach, diverse staff and client-centered counseling and referrals.   
Youth-centered focus. Services are only for young adults under age 30 and are created and delivered with youth in mind.
Outreach and consistency. Understanding the landscape of drug use in your community, being a visible and reliable presence where needed.
Collaboration and referrals. Knowing what services are available and working with other agencies helps young IDU get their needs met.

Program Components

The UFO Model works on the individual, group and community level to educate and support young adult IDU. 

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