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UFO Study Business Card Background Wix_edited.jpg
Main banner and logo for the UFO Study an aerial view of the South of Market Street waterfront including image of The Bay Bridge in downtown San Francisco. Sleek futuristic font for UFO Study and phone number.

Est. 1997

The U-Find-Out (UFO) Study is a long-standing constellation of research studies and projects focusing on viral hepatitis, particularly hepatitis C virus (HCV), among a cohort of young adult people who inject drugs (PWIDs) in San Francisco, California.


Established in September 1997, UFO was based at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Originating from The Urban Health Study began in 1985. The Urban Health Study continues to this day.


Beginning here with 1 recruitment flyer & 1 business card turned into more design opportunities throughout my career as a clinical research analyst at UCSF.


With a background in frontline public health my main duties at the UFO Study included:

  • Recruitment & retention of marginally housed youth at risk for Hepatitis C

  • HIV and Hepatitis C risk reduction counseling

  • Limited case management and service referrals

First UFO Study logo includes a fun but crudely drawn flying saucer with landing gears down. A big eyed triangle shaped alien head pokes out of the center. Includes campy font choice for "UFO Study" name arcing upwards
3/3: But this time we use a REAL flying saucer?
2/3: And lean further into the bit?
The 2010 Design Pitch 1/3: What if we honor previous UFO Study materials?
  • Build around pre-existing branding:

    • Instantly recognizable name.

    • Well established in professional epidemiology circles, local service providers, and informal patient networks alike.

    • Memorable pulpy aesthetic​ that's

       rough around the edges.

  • Invite questions via word of mouth between peers: “UFO Study? About UFOs!?” to which patients would clarify details..​

  • A playful but serious nonjudgmental

       atmosphere with services tailored to

       participant needs including

       good food and movies. 

  • Signal we’re not like other research studies to new patients.

  • Demonstrate clinic nights are safe spaces with accessible low threshold services.​​


Marketing materials feature The Avro Car: Proof of concept vertical take-off and landing experimental aircraft. It failed! But we succeeded!

Creative Objectives

Produced for the United States Air Force by Avro Canada in 1958. Retired 1961.

UFO Study Business Card Background Wix_edited.jpg

Consistently Successful Recruitment & Retention Tools Supported By An All Star Study Staff (2010 - 2017)

Front of UFO Study appointment reminder card includes an aerial view of the South of Market Street waterfront including image of The Bay Bridge in downtown San Francisco. Futuristic font for UFO Study and phone number. Background includes the Avro Car experimental aircraft blueprint designs.
Back of UFO Study appointment reminder card includes address and day of drop-in. Originally only one day a week between 4:30pm and 8:30pm. Accompanying image includes what looks like a radar display and superimposed over it are the outlines of 5 flying saucers. Looks like an old photo from the 1950s shot in low light.

"Yes. We're Open. No. Not that kind of UFO."


New Hours New Sign


The Last Open Sign

2017 - 2020 Designed by Corrina Goldblatt iterating off my designs who was in turn iterating off of the designs from previous staff members. A strong close to the design legacy of the longest longitudinal study of its kind. This flier would be used until the trial closed.

New Clinic Location

Corrina and I collaborated on this one. Her design. My mimicry to change some pertinent information on it.

UFO Study Business Card Background Wix_edited.jpg

Resource Guide & Clinic Announcements

PDF-Final-ResourceGuide 2009

Resource Guide Cover

UFO Title Page-NoCDC logo

Resource Guide Title Page

v.2-Raffle Flier_10JUL12_GCC [Editable]

Raffle For Retention

v.1-Thanklsgiving Flier_11-12-15_GCC [Uneditable]

Thanksgiving Limited Operation

v.1-Xmas Flier_12-8-15_GCC [Uneditable]

Winter Holiday Limited Operation

v.1-Memorial Day Flier_2018-05-28_GCC [Editable]

Holiday Closure Announcement

The official website: Archived

The History of the UFO Study: Why young PWIDS? (archived)

My bio on the official UFO Website: Reach beyond time & space to wave "hi" to me in 2014  (archived)

Research Brief of interesting findings for the Center Of AIDS Prevention Studies: 2009 Research Portfolio

Four page brief with significant details & findings from the longest running study of its kind 1997 - 2009

Search for The UFO Study at UCSFs Department of Medicine's Prevention Sciences Division


Learn more about my main duties in the Evidence Based Intervention Manual I designed for the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Click here or the UFO Presents! logo below.

A viral hepatitis prevention & education program for young adult IDUs

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